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The Art of Spiritual Direction



Now Accepting Interest for 2025-26 Program Year

Online 2025 interest list


The Art of Spiritual Direction is now online. This program allows us greater flexibility moving into the future.

The online cohort will meet only on Zoom, remotely one Saturday a month.

We are excited about this natural evolution of our program, which will allow us to take full advantage of the gift of an online learning environment, while being more accessible to wider group of people.

Space is limited!


Spiritual Direction – is an ancient ministry, a unique one-to-one relationship in which a trained person assists another person in the search for an ever-closer union of love with God.

Spiritual Direction – explores a deeper relationship with the spiritual aspect of being human, helping people tell their sacred stories every day.

Spiritual Direction – takes into account that people experience and respond to God/Spirit (Higher Power) in different ways, influenced in part by their life experience, personality, temperament, and religious or cultural background; and that spiritual awareness and growth involves the whole person body, mind, and spirit.

Spiritual Direction – has a long, rich history within the contemplative traditions. Today, spiritual direction is more "holy listening," than providing "direction" in the sense of offering guidance or direct advice. The focus is on the relationship between the individual and God rather than on the relationship between the individual and the director.

Spiritual Direction – opens us to discerning what is “ours to do” to bring about justice and equality in our world.

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Preparing to become a spiritual companion for another is its own sacred journey. It requires a willingness to explore our own depths while learning the art of sacred listening. Because of the seriousness of this vocational path a period of discernment in community is required by Stillpoint. An interview is required as part of the application process to determine whether or not this program is appropriate for you.

Our 7-month The Spiritual Journey program, beginning in September 2025 is the prerequisite for this program. In this contemplative program, participants listen to their call and their gifts for this work.

Upon completion of this prerequisite, an application process advances interns into our 2-year program.

In year one of the program, we spend time every month practicing the art of spiritual direction and companionship with the guidance of seasoned spiritual directors. This experiential approach is a signature part of our curriculum and every year graduates tell us that this is where they truly claimed their gift of presence to others.

Assignments include both readings on spiritual direction and spirituality topics, and writing short papers. Half way through year one, interns seek out and begin doing spiritual direction with an individual in their community.

Each intern is assigned a mentor. Mentors are staff spiritual directors who will offer guidance, feedback, prayers and support as well as a means of staying in community with all Stillpoint faculty and fellow interns.

In year two of the program, participants deepen their self-understanding by doing inner work on archetypes, shadow, dreams and grief. The focus of this year is on both the art of spiritual direction and on exploring what happens within the director during the direction session. During this year, interns work independently with two individuals in their community.

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Stillpoint’s program welcomes those from many spiritual traditions, while being rooted in contemplative spirituality. Those who choose Stillpoint’s program are lay or clergy, hospital, prison, hospice and school chaplains, formation directors, therapists, activists and other soul care workers. We are an inclusive community. We welcome all ages, genders, spiritual traditions, sexualities and ethnicities. We celebrate the gifts of this diversity.

For many Stillpoint graduates this formation leads to a one-to-one Spiritual Direction practice and retreat leadership while others will apply it in their work in aspects of their pastoral ministry, chaplaincy, teaching, family, and in service to the homeless, immigrant and refugee communities. Our interns come to learn from a seasoned program and the sacred desert land, but soon find that it is the cohort community created by the intimacy of working together that they value just as much.

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+ Practical experience: Our program provides a safe and supportive setting for interns to gain knowledge and experience guided by seasoned spiritual directors. Interns then practice what they have learned in their community. Students are also expected to be in spiritual direction for themselves during the program.

+ Strong community: You will be in a small group of 12-20 interns to learn and grow together. When not gathered together for required program dates, interns are encourage to stay connected through intercessory prayer and via email or phone, and will also work with a mentor and a supervisor.

+ A contemplative approach: Through deep listening we acknowledge that we have the wisdom within us.

+ Integration: Our program incorporates best practices in psychology, body wisdom, journaling and varied spiritual practices from different spiritual traditions.

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Holy Listening

Experience of God and Mysticism

Theological Assumptions


Social Location & Radical Inclusion

Spirituality and Work

Psychological Issues

Shadow Transitions


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Contemplative Living

Sacred Activism and Creativity

Integrating Story


Grief and Loss


Spiritual Life


Online via ZOOM

The 2025-26 program year begins August 2025 and runs through May 2026:

  • August 16, 2025

  • September 6, 2025

  • October 4, 2025

  • November 1, 2025

  • December 13, 2025

  • January 10, 2026

  • February 7, 2026

  • March 7, 2026

  • April 11, 2026

  • May 9, 2026

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Year 1 Application Process

Fill out an interest form for your location:
Online Interest Form

Complete our online application no later than June 1.

Pay your $30.00 non-refundable application fee when you submit your online form, no later than June 1.

Arrange for 1-2 references to be filled out (send the reference link to those who will be providing a reference for you). Your reference(s) should be from your spiritual director and/or your Spiritual Journey facilitator.

Have a phone Interview with Stillpoint staff.

Year 2 Application Process

If you have completed year 1 and are going on to year 2, please fill out the required application that will be sent to you.

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On admittance, you will be asked to pay a $250 non-refundable deposit to hold your space. The remainder of your tuition can be made in-full or in installments, due in full no later than December 31, 2025.

Total tuition is $2,900 per year (plus a $30 application fee for year one). The cost per year includes all instruction, personal mentoring, and all materials except books.

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Click here to meet our California faculty.

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We believe the journey into our depths provides a foundation needed for our soul’s transformation and these journeys are what are helping in the transformation of the world.
— Elizabeth Rechter, Former Executive Director


Contact Stillpoint Administrator, Krystle Hart: