The Right Reverend Joseph Jon Bruno Tribute
The Right Reverend Joseph Jon Bruno
November 17, 1946 - April 23, 2021
Bishop Bruno was a friend and advocate of the work of Stillpoint for many decades. He believed in the important gift spiritual direction can be in a person’s life to nurture and strengthen our relationship with God for our work in the world.
We give thanks for the imprint this soul has made on our work and believe that his blessing will continue to sustain us as we continue his legacy of providing access to intentional spiritual companionship for those who seek it.
Eternal God, in whose love nothing is lost: We give thanks for your servant Jon whom you have known from before he was born and held in your watchful care. As his body is changed back to the energies and elements of the earth from which it came, may Jon return to you clothed in a shining resurrection body and joined in the joyful company of all the saints in light.
Bless us who hold Jon in memory and cherish the good love and labor of his life. When morning comes, turn our separation into reunion and transform our grieving into gratitude, through your Spirit that is breath and fire of love. AMEN
Stillpoint gathering October 2017 giving thanks for the Light of Jon and Mary Bruno.